Monday, November 13, 2006

Concept Testing and Advertising -- Reversed!

We're looking at mixing tactics for concept testing and promotion. Usually, people think of talking to opinion leaders as a way of testing an idea. And, they think of advertising as a way of promoting. But we're looking at using each of these tactics for the other purpose.

Contextual ads: a good way to concept test because you can control the volume that goes to your site (via your daily ad clickthrough budget). The people who visit your site are not unusually influential, so it's good for a preliminary test.

Opinion leaders: a good way to promote your site. An opinion leader can be great for improving an idea. The problem is that if an opinion leader gets excited, they are interested in pulsing it to their network, which could cause a flood of traffic to your site. You obviously want this to happen...but only once you're ready for it.

So if you're a power Digger, pretend you never read this post...for now. :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Definitely gonna recommend this post to a few friends