Friday, April 18, 2008

Picks: The Day the Internet Stood Still

Here are three picks for the day today. They have been published here using our new "publish spank" feature, which you can find by clicking "more actions" under a link.

Not the funniest South Park clip ever, but it has some solid moments.

If this video were on YouTube, it would probably be taken down already, due to the fact that South Park has released all its videos on

This video has been around since September but it's still good. When I see a video like this, I'm amazed that it has gotten 3 million views, but also that it has gotten *only* 3 million views. The reason, I think, is that sharing content is so inefficient - a problem that Linkspank is working on and is already the best thing ever for.

You can also find Super-Official Spank Picks on the Spankdroid's wall, just as and you can spanks on anyone's wall.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Inbox Management Feature: Mark all as Read / Delete All

In response to your requests, we've added a mini-feature that should help with Inbox management for those who occasionally get buried under spanks.

Look for these buttons at the bottom of your Inbox:
The first button will remove the "NEW" tag from all of the spanks and messages on that page. The second one will send all of the spanks and messages on that page to the trash.

Your feedback and suggestions improve everyone's spanking experience.