Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Economist digs Digg


In the Nov 30 issue The Economist highlighted Digg as part of its Technology Quarterly. They do a good job of summarizing Digg:, the most famous example of the genre, allows users to submit
interesting new items from around the web, relating to politics, technology,
celebrity trivia or anything else. Other users say whether they find the
stories interesting by "Digging", or clicking on them. The most frequently
"Dugg" stories appear on the front page.

Then they go on to talk about how "social news" on the rise.

Some observations:

  1. This is the space Linkspank is moving into. It's about using people, not traditional search, to find things.
  2. Note that neither Digg nor any of the other sites out there currently are social networking sites. Rather than social networking, they use the "wisdom of crowds" to pick winning articles.


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