Thursday, February 28, 2008

How to Win the Hawaii trip and other Questions Answered

Here are the current Top 6 in the contest to go to Hawaii or Vegas:

And now, some FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions). Try yelling "FAQ". It sounds pretty cool.

Q: How do I Win? What do I have to do?
A: invite Friends, and Spank. Note: If your recruits use Linkspank a lot, you get more points for them. Another note: you can get points for friends you spank, even if they don’t join. Either way, you want to keep a good Quality Rating.

Q: What if I don’t know how to spank?
A: In that case, check the Orientation Page and the How to Spank page. After you do those you should know what a spank is. Otherwise, contact us.

Q: Can I play if I have no friends on the spank?
A: Yep. You get points for spanking emails and facebook friends. And when friends join you get extra points.

Q: I just joined and I have no friends. Do I really have a chance to be number on in the contest?
A: Honestly, yes. New spankers arguably have an edge, because the points they get for recruiting friends can count during the contest. And the points you get for spanks tend to spike suddenly after an initial dull period. It is quite true that you can take the contest, especially if you get moving in the first week or two.

Q: When does my score update?
A: “Periodically,” about once a day. You can update it yourself by visiting your Score Tracker. You can also see your personal Contest Advisor on whether you have a chance to enter the Top 6 and be in striking distance of Hawaii or Vegas.

Q: Can people not in the US win a Hawaii trip?
A: We’ll give the prize to people anywhere, as long as we can figure out how to buy you your ticket. If you are not in the U.S., we’ll arrange for a trip that has the same value as the Hawaii trip… e.g., if you’re in Japan, we won’t fly you to Hawaii but to a comparably awesome place. For people living everywhere, we can’t guarantee exactly what your prize will be, but we are enthusiastic to give you a bitchin prize.

Q: I’ll win an iPhone or a Wii if I get 2000 points, but I have 2 points right now. Is it really possible to win those things?
A: It’s hard but yes. You’re going to have to bring in friends, spank often, and be skilled. The point levels are based on the performance of spankers in previous contests, changes we’ve made to the point algorithm, and the length of the contest. Sure enough, winning those prizes will be difficult, but we think it’s possible. The point system is extremely scientific and we are always striving to make it as fair as possible. Also, do take note that the point system is a little counter-intuitive and your points will jump up after a bit of spanking.

If you’re having any other problems, confusion, questions, or philosophical insights, just contact us.

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