Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Linkspank's facebook application

Linkspank’s facebook application is now available at

With this app, you have the option share your linkspank wall on your facebook profile. This way, your unenlightened facebook friends will still have a chance at enjoying the beautiful spanks that you have imparted to the world.

You also have the option to show your Spankathon progress. Unenlightened facebook friends who click on your link and create a profile will move you closer to winning your Wii or other Spankathon prize. (They will also boost your contest points toward Hawaii.)

Lastly, you can invite your facebook contests to join the spank as your friend (once again, giving you credit also). This is a great way to invite facebook friends whose email addresses may not be in your address book.

Give it a shot and let us know what you think.

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