Thursday, September 13, 2007

Spanking Emails: Easier than Unlocking the iPhone?

Spanking Emails

Spanking emails has gone from easy to super-easy. So if you're looking for a Nintendo Wii (which has outsold the other game systems worldwide) pay attention:

Now when you click "spank", choose "all contacts who haven't seen it"... automatically fill the box with people you've invited, as well as your friends on linkspank. The emails you spank can still go and watch / see what you sent them without joining linkspank - but it's a good reminder to them of the rich tapestry of spank that is available to them.

How to Get 1,000 Points

A beautiful milestone was reached today: MikeWMiller hit 1,000 points. While his points may decrease (due to the vicissitudes of quality ratings), he still has hit it and that's a great milestone.

How did he do it? By inviting friends, and spanking them great links. Consequently, an iPhone and special Flair-giving powers have rained upon him.

Who knows what special powers will await him if he attains the fabled Level 6?

Join his ranks! Make your pledge, try a spank or two to your contacts, and go for that Nintendo Wii.

1 comment:

Chris Teso said...

you guys have one of the best names I've seen to date. Can't beat branding with the term spank.