Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Dear Spankdroid: "How do you lose points?"

Q: How do you lose points?

A: that is a very patient way of asking WTF?!?!?!? :-)

if your quality rating goes down, then your total points will go down. it will affect the points you earn from linkspanks, but not the points you earn from inviting friends.

you can see which points come from where at your profile on the link "more about your score"

your quality rating increases the more people open your mail, and the more they watch the embedded or click on the link you've sent.

possible strategies to increase your quality rating may include: writing informative headlines for links; writing enticing descriptions; matching the type of links with what recipients like the most.

sending fewer linkspanks may improve your quality rating. on the other hand, sending lots of links may be a good way to get new users involved, which gets your points from friends.

sending a linkspank to someone who doesn't log in often does not hurt your quality depends on whether they read your mail once they log in.

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