Monday, May 21, 2007

The Quality Rating (aka End of the Spam Wars)

Due to a flaw in the contest rules, participants in the first contest were trying to out-spank each other by sending a lot of links. As a result, some spankees were overwhelmed when they opened their inboxes.

Now everyone has a Quality Rating. Your quality rating is based on whether people open and read your the linkspanks you send them.

The higher your quality rating, the higher your points will go!

If you send too much mail to people, they won't have time to read everything. Your quality rating will go down and your points will go down.

Note: as in the case of your score, there is often a delay in your quality rating. If you are a new user your quality rating may not move from its initial value for a while. Quality ratings became effective a short time after the last contest ended.

As always, your feedback is welcome!

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