Organizations like to talk about talk about how important their members are. But it's REALLY TRUE for Linkspank. Most bug fixes, suggestions for minor improvement and suggestions for major improvements -- not to mention new spankers, which gives everyone better content, and even better the linkspanks themselves -- it all comes from the spankamaniacs.
We are just like Bryan Adams: Everything We Do, We Do 4 U.
So let us know what you like, what you do like, and what problems in your life of web, viral videos, staying in touch with college buddies, procrastinating at work, keeping in touch with what's new, we can possibly help with and how.
And when you find a bug or a problem, let us know. ;-).
this has been a public service announcement!
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
You Think, Therefore Linkspank Is
Monday, August 27, 2007
New Feature: Import from Outlook
Since Linkspank is a great prelude to the workday, and a great complement to eating lunch at your desk, importing contacts from Outlook was a sorely needed feature... which hopefully will turn out to be a sorely awesome feature.
It's new so if you experience any problems with it, since let us know.
This way, at the watercooler you can ask, "Didja get that spank I sent you?"
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Winners of the Earn your iPhone Contest.
for being the top contest scorer.
djperry1973 won an iPhone
in the random drawing of the top ten contest scorers.
94 points
Random winners of gift certificates included schwenks, Tirso, gsbrob, and kcin.
Thanks to everyone who participated. What a great contest!!
Coming soon: the Spankathon.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
New Feature: Groups
If your lifelong dream is to spank a dozen people simultaneously, your lifelong dream would appear to be on the verge of coming to pass.
That's because we've added an experimental new feature: groups.
Here's how a group works:
- Click "Groups" at the right of a page.
- Join a group.
- The group name will be added to your address book.
- When the group is spanked (by you or someone else), all the group's members receive the spank.
Thanks for being part of the ongoing spank experiment!
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Reminder: Points "Settle" after Contest
There are just a few days left in the current contest!
Be reminded that your points will finalize a couple days after the contest is over. Why? Because your quality rating depends on people reading the spanks you send them. We have to give everyone a chance to read the spanks you send toward the end of the contest so your quality rating (and hence your points) can be finalized.
So, if you are tempted to send lots of spanks at the end of the contest, remember not to send too many, or your quality rating will go down and so will your finalized score.
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Tiny feature: view your own blog
A user pointed out to me that he couldn't see his own blog. Other people could read it but he couldn't see what it looked like.
Good point! So a tiny feature has been added: click on My Profile -> Blog, and if you have a blog on the site there is a link to "view blog." (This may not work if you have added your blog within the last day or so.)
thanks for the suggestion... keep em comin'.
Get Found, and Avoid Redundant Invitations
Adding additional emails to your profile will improve your life in a couple ways:
1. You'll get the friend request through linkspank when someone invites you to linkspank at one of your other email addresses.
2. You'll be found by friends who import their contacts and have one of your other email addresses in their contacts.